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Videos, files and tests for companies
Boostand is a tool that allows you enterprises, entities and profesionals Boost and expand comunications in a precise way, concise and effective. In Boostand you can customize you own channel where you can upload videos with attached files, create test and playlist, in addition to share content, all without ads.

What offer
Upload files and videos
Create test and playlist
Share videos
Enhance the comunications
Privacy and secutiry
No publicity neither data selling
Upload videos and files easily
Effective comunication
Videos with attachment files complete the information to allow videos be clear and effective in professionals comunications. Besides, direct all comunications to the especific recipient thanks to the posibility to assing especific control criteries, like control access and privacity in each video.

Create test and playlist
Organize and control
Boostand allow you create playlist with upload videos, likewise, assing to this, specific privacy rules. Besides, allow you perform quiz and test at the end of the visualizacion in each video to improve the comunication effectivity.
Privacy and access control
Focused comunication
Customize accesibility and visualizations options according to comunication goals and strategies.

No publicity neither data selling
Targeting and protection
Boostand is a space for profesionals and enterprises, and are they who lead the comunication. Users receive it without advertising or unwanted links that impair the attention and purpose of the communication.
Data from the channel and users are not collected, profiled, or commercially used, guaranteeing confidentiality and non-distribution of information to other entities.
Boostand's plans
5 videos
20 Documents
750 visualizations
500€ / Registration
45€ / month
10 videos
50 Documents
2500 visualizations
750€ / Registration
75€ / month
25 videos
125 Documents
7500 visualizations
1000€ / Registration
150€ / month
50 videos
250 Documents
20000 visualizations
1500€ / Registration
250€ / month
125 videos
650 Documents
50000 visualizations
2500€ / Registration
500€ / month
Consultar/ Registration
Consultar/ month
Contracting in
Sign up and discover how easy is upload and share videos with Boostand.